Brooke Simons | Business Strategist

Assess Pain, Address Behavior,
Overcome Symptoms

Based Learning for
Horse Owners

Introducing an unbiased course...
An unbiased course platform of that leaves all the abrasive opinions behind that we so often encounter in this equine industry.
Enables informed decision making and shields you from persuasive tactics.
Strengthens your mental strategy to approach your horse's pain and behavior cycle with less mystery.
The Equi-IX Method is an ever evolving course with solutions, step-by-step guidelines, and an inside look into the psychology of horses and our mental health with strategies pulled straight from my equine bodywork business.
It's about time...
To stop unsuccessful attempts (and feeling alone in your story) and start successful approaches that will have you getting to the root of the problem.

What's different about The Equi-IX Method course?
In this short video, I answer one of the popular FAQs
Tell me if this sounds like you
You want to resolve pain and behavior issues in your horse and feel more connected with them.
You need to find an approach that speaks to your internal desires and needs.
You have too much advice coming from all directions, but no clear strategy that gives you simplified direction.
You're over trying to piece this together on your own, feeling confusion with conventional vs holistic methods.
You're tired of retelling your story hoping to not be judged or rejected by a horse community that often feels like they are waiving your issues off on a supplement or shot to try.
You wish there was an easier way to get to the root of the issues and feel supported in the horse community.

Good news!
I help my clients with those same problems every single day. And if you're like any of them, you've probably made some of the same mistakes.
Mistakes like...

There was a way to direct the healing path for your horse and direct your mindset to aid in that journey...
You could finally have a happier horse willing to be your partner...
You could actually look forward to going to the barn and seeing your horse moving and feeling better...
You could have all of the above with the confidence of knowing what to do if an issue came back, the pain prevention and management system...

All of that's possible inside
The Equi-IX Method

Who is this right for?
Basically, this is for you if...
You want to understand your horse's behavior and what they are feeling.
You've noticed a change in behavior and have been researching topics but don't know where to get started.
You've made a vet appointment but you're overwhelmed by the findings or maybe the lack of findings.
You've started going down rabbit holes of research but you're overwhelmed by if this is a primary issue or secondary issue.
You want an easy, straightforward method to unravel this mystery with more confidence in your decision making and actionable solutions.
On the flip-side...
This is not for you if...
You’re looking for a quick fix.
You are just here for the free pdf rather than get real, actionable strategy.
You’re not interested in growing and learning new concepts.
You are closed to the idea of your mindset has no effect on horses.
You aren't open to learning both science and alternative approaches.




Hi I'm Brooke,
I'm a healthcare professional and equine bodyworker who works with horse owners to take actionable steps breaking the pain cycle in horses, gaining clarity in making informed decisions, and bringing empowerment to improve the mental health in both horse and owner.
I'm a horse owner by trade, but an entrepreneur by accident. I started my business when I realized my journey could help shape other horse owners concerns and unanswered questions.
What started with a horse resisting to connect, a trainer hell-bound to help, and a girl on a mission to understand why-- turned into something much bigger than I could have ever dreamed. Since then Equi-IX has grown into much more than massage work on horses. It soon became a way of life. The healing power of horses and the power we have to make a transformation in the lives of horses is powerful!
Why I created this:
I wanted to create a course where I taught my method—the same one that gave me my horse back (and my mind!). I wanted to help horse owners feel empowered to develop a solution-focused mindset and have the resilience to push through any challenge without the lack of options that so often come with a persistent issue.
I also firmly believe that there is a process to unraveling pain and behavior and it shouldn't get dismissed nor require the most expensive option in every siuation. As a horse owner it is your right to have access to a range of solutions that can be used to provide relief and create long-term success.


What's inside
The Equi-IX Method

You'll center your mind around implementation with intent, then we will crack open a case that exemplifies The Equi-IX Method with my signature Missing Component. We will learn how to bring empowerment to question with deeper conviction what your horse is telling you.

No one wants to feel like they are working against the horse... In Module 2, you'll learn strategies to form the crucial understanding behind equine behavior that enables connection. We will also learn about the three key areas that affect your horses health.

Understanding compassion for others and our animals can help build a stronger relationship and lasting impression. Without this meaning, the delivery of our results would be less clear. In Module 3 we get clarity in our purpose to drive with passion. We will begin introducing Holistic vs Science Methodology.

The fundamental work needed to build a strong foundation. Peeling back the onion layers begins to unfold with actionable steps and guides in Module 4. Included is the 30 day rehab exercise guideline (to name one). You'll also be introduced to "The Powerful Tool".

In Module 5 you will feel confident to choose a diet for your horse that works for your program. Healing begins with internal work so therefore here is where you will find the Nutrition Guide. This is also an in depth seminar on ulcers and digestive health.

Follow along videos with explanations, massage strokes, and safety with horses. A way to benefit you and the horse mentally, physically, and emotionally. In Module 6 you will reboot and restore attitude, flexibility, and muscle discomfort.

This module is unique as we address breathing & journaling - self care secrets for results. We will then understand the intent we need, and identify pain in your horse with visual, palpation, and flexion exams. We will move on to learn techniques used in massage, and then specified areas you can release on your horse through step by step video instruction.

In Module 8, you'll feel validated that your saddle is no longer the culprit and will be one more elimination factor. We will then learn the asymmetry patterns in saddle, horse, and owner - identify them - and make changes.
There's more! You'll also get...

Mind-Body Alleviation Technique ($600 value), secret self care actions, finding intent, pain identification exams and release techniques.

Raindrop massage tutorial ($300 value), step by step instruction video and safety with horses. Reboot and Restore techniques.

30 day rehab guideline ($320 value), exercise program with cavalettis, weights, proprioception techniques customizable for your desired result.

Marking for balance ($400 value),
eye opening education to hoof and dental care.

Nutrition Guide & Gut ($600 value),
diet outline with strategies to best fit your program. Seminar on ulcers and digestion.

Holistic vs Science Methodology
($400 value)

The Toolbox ($600 value)

Passionate Alignment ($300 value),
strategy and proactive look into
passion driven results
One on one support ($800 value),
your additional resource: Brainstorm, photo intake, vet results, horse history, and more - If you so choose.
Today only...
A behind-the-scenes look into the business end operation, appointment workflow, and the veterinarian collaboration. You will also get an exclusive look into a special case. I will talk about influencers in training methods and how it ties into bodywork, healing trauma, rehab, and imbalances.
($400 value)
We will go over how the bond and connection can be achieved with your horse with focus on how it speeds along releases needed to achieve results. and connection can be achieved with your horse with focus on how it speeds along releases needed to achieve results.

Got questions? I've got answers!
When does The Equi-IX start? How long do I have access? And how much
time should I budget to go through this?
When you join The Equi-IX Method, you'll get lifetime access, so you can start whenever you wish, whether that's today, tomorrow, next week, or even next month. You'll have instant access to all the content and bonuses as well as unlimited updates (Growth and problem resolution requires changes and updates as you will find already within the course). It's a self-paced program so you can go as fast or as slow as you wish.
Will I get help directly from Brooke? Is there support as I work through the program and run into individual horse related issues?
Yes! As you go through the modules and actively listen to the video presentations and seminars within, you'll get help directly from me by
simply sending me a message. You'll receive support, can ask questions, brainstorm, and get more individual help if you so choose!
What makes The Equi-IX Method different from other courses?
The Equi-IX Method is unique because it provides a conventional and holistic approach to horses. Unlike other courses, we focus on 3 key areas (while also adding focus on your own internal struggles). It focuses on physical, mental, and internal aspects of resolving pain and behavior issues. A few Included features to highlight is a 30 Day rehab guideline, 90 day diet outline, step by step videos teaching raindrop massage, and teaching my proprietary pain exams. All of this builds on a strong connection. A balance of faith and psychology aspects provides horse owners with a way to further manage their own stress and mental wellbeing. This is one big part that is often missed in traditional courses.
What level of knowledge as a horse owner is required of me?
The course provides practical advice and solutions that are easy to apply, so that horse owners can understand how to make changes in their horse for the better. This is a supportive and non judgemental place of learning while we all are just trying to do what we think is best for our horses. Stories, struggles, successes are all encouraged to be sent to me! I am your additional set of eyes (if you want it), your listening ear (when you need it), and your direct support (when you seek guidance). So whether you are a beginner to owning horses, have owned them 20+ years, or you are a professional in the industry there isn't a minimum requirement!
I have been told my horse has a bad attitude or it is just a training issue?
Too often "experts' “ see everything in terms of their own field with little consideration about the whole horse. If a horse bucks, a saddle fitter will adjust the saddle, a vet will inject the hocks, a chiropractor pop some joints, a "trainer" will tell you to use more leg, a "natural horsemanship trainer" will sell you a $95 halter and a $175 pvc stick, a farrier will put pads on the feet, and so on and so forth. They might be right or wrong about a problem -- but none of them look at the entire horse for the cause, they just look at the piece of the horse they specialise in. Really it's the owner who actually "decides" what their horse's problem is by deciding what kind of professional to call. These days owners MUST educate themselves and advocate for their horse
Can our mindset really have power to it?
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
What if your horse is not crazy, but scared?
What if your horse is not hot but anxious?
What if your horse is not giving you a hard time but having a hard time?
What if your horse is in pain and not acting up?
The more we learn about horses the more we realise we are just scratching the surface of their intelligence, learning patterns, and our ability to understand them at the deepest levels to take the best care of them.
I feel my horse is beyond finding a solution for the pain she/he still has?
A lameness, a rehab, an expensive unknown, a shoeing issue, a training trouble... when our horses hurt, we hurt. and it's okay to have emotional feelings around it! And it's not easy! Don't give up though, look for the answers. Our greatest growth as horsewomen/men often comes through these struggles. Horses are humbling, and can also be our greatest teachers.
How do you know if its a training issue or pain related issue?
Let's break down one example to start! I see so many horses that react negatively when being saddled or the girth being tightened. Often times I hear comments or advice telling other horse owners just ignore it- they just do that, they'll be fine once you're on riding. This course helps owners to see how that doesn't have to continue to be the reality, and how to recognize issues sooner at a stage that can be easier to fix. Understanding further some specific issues and how to begin addressing them from a different perspective.

If you've read this far...
You have two options:
Continue to spend more time (and trapped in your
thoughts) trying to figure it out on your own...
Or, finally have a proven method for resolving your horse's pain and behavior cycle while not feeling alone and finally feeling supported in your efforts.
Imagine where you could be just one month from now...
You're ready to understand where healing begins and have actionable steps to start.
You're ready to stop feeling like you're the only one experiencing this (and dealing with the internal battle).
You're ready to have a stronger connection with your horse.
You're ready for a way to unravel the mystery surrounding behavior and pain related issues.
You're ready for the weight to be off your shoulders, to take a deep breath.
You're ready for The Equi-IX Method.

Choose an option below to get started today:

Every month
The complete course, The Equi-IX Method ($6000 value)
Only make 3 payments when you join today!
Lifetime access

One-time payment (SAVE $200!)
The complete course, The Equi-IX Method ($6000 value)
The course is $650 but when you join today, you'll save $200
Lifetime access
© 2023 by Equi-IX, Brooke Simons