When I first got certified in equine massage one of the biggest obstacles was getting new clients and running it as a legit business!
I was introduced to some business related concepts during my class, but the main objective of most certified courses is to get your hands and mind trained for helping that horse, so the strategies of business were limited.
Now that I was certified… it was like crickets… I was searching all over facebook, reaching out to mentors, and essentially started off under another business in the beginning to get a few to start.
I had a vision and a strong desire to understand just how to make this a full time business when so many people kept saying, you’ll never make money massaging horses.
Redirect a few years after that season in life and it was a whole new ball game.
Not only did I begin to live out my dreams and reach my initial goals, new doors and opportunities opened up that I couldn’t have thought of myself or seen coming!
Being newly certified may feel like a hurdle and a money pit, but it doesn't have to stay that way.
In another story, not being certified, but knowing this is the direction you want to live your life in, can be equally exciting and intimidating all at the same time. Not everyone you reach out to for guidance will welcome you with open arms. There are trade secrets and strategies that they don't want to share for fear that someone will come in and steal their clients. I am here to let you know that doesn’t have to be the kind of interaction you have to face.
I am huge about being the change we want to see in people. I was once in those shoes and I knew how it felt to have a burning passion. As you start asking more people for advice you begin to feel like they all have something different and it's not helping you build up to what you are trying to do!
Whether you are certified yet or not, comment yes or send me a DM to find out of my new exclusive opportunity to help others fulfil their burning desire, who don’t want to feel “lost in the sauce” while navigating some really big goals!
Save time Save money Prevent effort burn out
And let's start mapping out your business playbook for your unique vision.
naming your business - finding legit schools - mapping out your business plan - tech set up - LLC rundown - attraction marketing for flowing in new clients - winning the vet over (like I did) - lock in appointments through facebook messenger (convo examples) - how to handle chiropractor questions - have a waitlist of new clients coming in - and much more.
All the strategies and secrets I used to take my hobby business into a full time income. This would be the foundation you need on top of a certification to get you started!
Don’t have a unique vision yet? Or feel like it's similar to every other bodyworker out there? It’s time to dig through those superficial thoughts and teach you how to unveil what is unique to you, so you stand out in the best way!
So many times we get in our own way of progress. Why do you think behind every successful business person there is a coach, and behind that coach there is their own coach, and so on and so forth.
It’s part of having success.
Who will you decide to entrust with your vision…
Who's interested? Comment on the Facebook post below (by clicking on it) with what phase in business you are at:
Not certified, but ready to start an equine business!
Certified and you are either wanting to work beyond your own horses, or you are already taking steps to start the business side and want to grow that.
Established business looking to improve your repeat booking rates, referrals, marketing, etc.