After massage, kinesiology tape brings further relief and circulation to the area based off the taping method and goal we are achieving for the horse. Here is this client's diagram along with the tape job after a 90-minute massage session.

With massage I am able to find compensatory patterns within the body that hold the horse a certain way through tension and myofascial restriction. The red dots indicate more severe areas of reaction with spasms.
Along the lower lumbar spine on the right side the horse had many releases identified through the tension and relaxation I could feel through the longissimus muscle, the horses' facial expressions, and the spasms.
There were also reactions seen in the horse followed by relaxation on the left side over the glutes and si joint area.
Right side of the neck where trapezius and splenius meet were more b

uilt up and tense than the left. The right side brachiocephalicus muscle of the upper portion was much more prominent with tension verses the left side.
These are just a few of the many areas I found contributing to the pain the horse has been in.
This gives you as an owner an idea of what I feel and the benefits of massage.
By releasing these areas then following up with kinesiology tape in areas of greater concern this gives the horse continued relief and a chance to begin "unpeeling the layers the onion" to bring mobility, flexibility, and comfort to the horse. Allowing for better motion and prevention of future injuries.
The longer you wait to address issues the greater chance for strains, wear and tear of the body to occur.
Unpeel more layers and learn all about this by clicking the link: