Brooke Simons | Business Strategist

The Ultimate Client Attraction Blueprint: For equine therapy professionals ready to stand out from the competition.
Cert Convert ™ is a quick workshop designed to give equine therapy professionals a jumpstart system to attract more clients and stand out in a competitive market.
Accredited with the NBCAAM, and trusted by 1,000's of equine professionals and owners.
Now only $47!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!
I just finished the FIRST module. I can't believe how much it feels that Brooke is speaking directly to me. She addresses concerns that I haven't even been able to articulate. I find myself hanging on every word. I can't wait for the next lesson- and I am excited about my business in a way that I haven't been in a while!
A brand kit that elevates your presence on a budget, to the art of creating digital products that keep clients returning for more.
Learn the secrets of appearing 'busy yet accessible, magnetizing clients who value your sought-after services. Impact your journey with our step-by-step guide to certification, growth strategies, and social media mastery.
This isn't just a course; it's your roadmap to turning your equine therapy dream into a reality, using principles grounded in faith & strategy.
I’m sharing what I know from my experience in my own businesses…
By dreaming big, but starting small…
By beginning with the foundation pieces, (really the fun ones ;-), that are inside Cert Convert™ then expanding into the bigger strategies later…
Which allowed me to build the multi-faceted company I have today.
The Cert Convert™ workshop is essentially ten years in the making…
But it’ll only take you 7 day to implement. 😉
And after sharing this with thousands of other equine therapists over the last several years, it was time to give y'all a repeatable follow along process that jumpstarts your business into today’s growing marketing trends!
Ready to attract more clients and bring more sustainable income into your business, all while doing this on a budget?
Your guided path to replicate the success that I, and many like you, have achieved, are you ready to do the same?!
Ditch Traditional Ways. Try Cert Convert™!
Get instant access to the acclaimed workshop trusted by 1000's of equine professionals and owners!
So... Why Cert Convert?
and what even is this workshop?

Hi, I'm Brooke Simons!
I’m a business strategist and equine bodyworker as well as a clinical informaticist, radiology technologist, online course creator—marketing guru (I wear many hats ;-), and I’ve worked with many horses, horse owners, and equine therapists in dozens of states across the US.
The 3 main areas I get asked about for help are equine pain related issues, career guidance, and business formation.
In order to impact more than my local region, while providing in person appointments, I had to expand my marketing hat. The same inquiries came up over and over. It was obvious to me at this point that my business was no longer just locally needed, I had a constant flow of long distance followers needing my help too!
The idea for this Cert Convert™ workshop came to me in the form of a question I asked myself recently…
With many people giving the same advice...
“make business cards and pass them around"
“just post on facebook they will come”
“just go set up at events”
... I see these same responses on repeat.
It’s like beating a dead horse. On the other end, the same questions comes up...
“how do I get more clients”
“how do I get started on a budget"
“I don’t have much money to spend or time”
… and the same responses would follow.
And let’s be real: Many that get certified still work another job. Until they can get the client flow going, time becomes their issue. For those who don’t and the situation is different, money becomes their issue.
I thought to myself, what if I shared what I did and combined it with something that's HOT in the market world, that doesn’t require time at events and doesn't require money on more business purchases.
To get some client attraction flow going and some income coming; whether or not you have a time or money constraint.
Reality is a certification doesn’t guarantee a business… and this my friends, comes from what I have experienced AND the constant questions surrounding social media that are on repeat.
The other reality: Many therapists don’t have the time to train up someone that hasn’t invested money into them. So often you’ll encounter vague answers or be left with even more questions as you start to private message others in the field.
Let’s face it… we live in a busy society… with truly an unlimited supply of clients… This is good news for you, however, because there is a constant demand, which should further bring you confidence that it’s only a matter of strategy to get seen and get clients contacting YOU!
There are parts in business that, yes, take time. Building rapport and word of mouth take time...
...The neat thing about Cert Convert is it jumpstarts you ahead in your young business (or slow to grow business). So while the rapport is building, you can take advantage of this other area that brings a stream of new clients. Which in turn further builds connections, and soon enough you’ll be looking at some huge momentum.
You’’ll eventually be wishing there were two of you! ;-)
...and by the way, don’t get too anxious over growing and dealing with time management, because I additionally have something in store when you start hitting that next level!
But first you need Cert Convert to open up that avenue you haven’t tapped into yet—or at least not to its fullest!
So to recap:
I asked myself, “How can I help equine therapists get their business out there faster, build more connections, and inject more cash? “
...I didn’t ask “How can I help them build a sustainable business?” That can take a few months.
...I didn’t ask “How can I help them build out their business map?” That can take a few weeks.
I asked “How can I help equine therapists open up a client attraction avenue and make more money and in the shortest amount of time?”
And it’s a strategy I have used for years. One that can create more money making ideas!
A fast one!
One that could be implemented in less than five days.
The strategy I teach inside Cert Convert™ is the same one I used to get my business running on a budget and the same one that worked to gain new clients in a state that was brand new for me to work in. (ie. I didn’t know anyone in the horse community there when I started).
It’s the same strategy I used to get my business noticed, build excitement, and build FOMO (fear of missing out ;-) This leads to more conversations, more appointments, and more momentum!
(Which paved the way to the multi-faceted business I have today.)
It's the same strategy that so many thriving businesses use every.single.day.
And it's the same strategy I've now taught to hundreds of business owners not only in the US, but other countries as well.
Now, I want to teach it to YOU. 🫠
"Ok, But... what is Cert Convert?"

Cert Convert™ is like hotwiring a car; it's a jumpstart into formation, client attraction, and money injection. Grow your clients, grow your business, grow your money!

In the Cert Convert™ workshop, we put this car (your business) into ignition when you learn our proprietary process for creating a client attraction avenue that keeps growing with your business. Putting the value of your business into the hands of even more horse owners.

Best of all, Cert Convert™ allows you to create freebies and profit products that keep clients coming back, your business spreading impact, and putting you at the forefront of the minds of clients that have a want that needs fulfilled.

So, what's in it for you?
The Cert Convert™ formula works for any phase of business—Not certified, newly certified, been certified, established business.
If you’re tired of these generic, vague social media answers that don’t line out real strategy, then Cert Convert™ is for you.
If you’re wanting to ditch event set ups and save the time and money, then Cert Convert™ is for you.
If you’re tired of staring at a blank page and lacking ideas, then Cert Convert™ is for you.
Heck, if you just want or need some fresh client flow and cash injection in your business, then Cert Convert™ is for you!
Inside the Cert Convert™ workshop, I share:
👉How to use the ultimate canva experience to pick your colors and choose your logo.
👉How to stand out from your competitors with 4 key components.
👉How to create legitimacy in your business and I give you a liability form to use.
👉How to change your verbiage to avoid repelling client.
👉How to turn your knowledge and passionate topics into profit products that also attract more clients.
…Complete with all the tutorials and templates you need to make this fast and easy for you!
Creating a client attraction avenue that works to get you more immediate income AND works to get more appointments on the books that just keeps building momentum in repeat bookings and your online presence...
And growing your client list... while simultaneously growing your revenue...
That’s what the strategy in Cert Convert™ did for my business.
That’s the difference between what our certification courses teach us…
Versus a proven strategy that works for your kind of business.
(In my case, it’s the multi-faceted business difference.)
Inside Cert Convert™, I’m going back to the beginnings of my equine therapy business.
I’m sharing with you strategies that got me the money momentum I needed while I was on a low cost budget.
And I’m sharing this stuff right now because I don’t want your business to simply survive…
I want it to thrive.
I want you to feel the impact that a strategy like this can provide.
I want you to see the real possibilities and untapped potential.
I want to see what you do with what I teach.
Cert Convert™ takes your certification and turns it into a business calling!
Just join today. 😉

Grab Cert Convert™ today...
Now only $47!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!
Here's what you'll learn inside Cert Convert™:



How to design your business—a super-simple way that is fun, interactive, idea sparking, magical building method to get your color palette and logo built out—using our “Secret Savings Solutions” and plug and play canva template. The secret savings solutions alone saves you years worth of business and design schooling techniques.
This is the "Starting Gait" on how you build a business on a budget—worry about the sparklier things later.
How to create your profit product—tech tutorials and templates included to make this profit product a reality. No fancy tech skill needed! We've got you covered with all the digital know-how you need. Get stuck in the process? No worries, you can actually share what you are working on and I can help you find your way in the canva world!
How to generate valuable assets in just 5 days (or less) with your freebie and cash injection piece we create together. Truly, your “profit product” can be a gateway to more client attraction avenues.
How to use science and psychology to up your selling game (ie. you booking appointments, selling products, and building your client list).
How to stand out from your competitors and leverage 4 key components that will change the way you post, share, create all things business and educational!
How to get your business seen as legit and build good rapport using a client intake and liability skeleton form I have for you to take and re-create!
How to build FOMO (fear of missing out) and leverage that for new client leads, guaranteed repeat bookings, and have a waitlist of clients banking on a cancellation.
And did I mention that you can add this client attraction strategy
in less than a week?
Yes! This strategy is fast.
New cash stream? Can be!
Client growth? Yep.
Repeat bookings? Absolutely.
Why? It builds know, like, and trust.
How? It brings out authentic authority.
And it’s a strategy that can make it happen in 5 days or less? That’s what I’m sayin’! :)
You don’t need tons of money or time to make this happen.
Actually, “tons of money” is kind of the opposite of this whole thing.
Cert Convert™ is meant for those on a budget and wanting quick new client attraction ideas...
...Because of this, I’ve laid out this quick workshop so you have an easy-to-implement assignment each day, five days in a row (though you could binge-watch the whole thing in a day, and that's fine, too!).
So, even if you only have a couple of hours in the evening after work…
Or a couple of hours here and there while you’re trying to run the rest of your business…
(Or both…)
You can implement Cert Convert™ and add new solutions. Fast.
Grab Cert Convert™ today...
Now only $47!

Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!
Who is Cert Convert™ for?
Cert Convert™ is right for any—yes, any—phase of business.
Whether you’re a horse owner planning to get certified, equine therapists expanding your business, or an established business already, Cert Convert™ is for you.
Not Certified, but ready!

This will further prepare you for when you finally do get certified. It will get your business brain turned on and ready to receive and process even more from the certification class you decide to take.
You can have fun in the meantime designing and truly providing a Profit Product based on the knowledge you already have!
Where there is a need, there is potential to make an impact. You will always have a bit of information that someone else doesn't know. No matter how small! It can be as simple as how to properly apply a polo wrap, saddle a horse, listen to your horse better, any “how to” for any level of horse ownership. Remember even the new horse owners are seeking the knowledge you once wished you had!
Certified and Ready!
At this stage, you just got certified so now what? You may be looking to get your business started or have taken some steps to start that process.
We'll give you what you need to both create and start the growth cycle in business you have envisioned that can lead to full time income (if you so choose).
Know that I started the same way you did, I made it happen, you can too! It is possible to gain enough clients that you have a waitlist you get to manage.
This is a jumpstart and a strategy to implement a profit product into your business. One that not only attracts new clients and gives you repeat bookings, it can also become another avenue of income
Established Business
Already been in business for a bit? Great! Many of our students are established business owners looking to grow and searching for other passive ways to create income.
The years of knowledge, case studies, experience why not tap into it and use it for client retention, client attraction, and cash injection!
Increase the value your business provides with Cert Convert™
Just because the equine industry can be controversial, shouldn’t prevent you from fulfilling a need with knowledge you have.
But… it might mean armouring your heart with God and understanding human behavior with psychology.
Those two things will drive you through the chaos that comes with any business; especially when you start attracting more clients.
When your heart is protected and your mind can come from a place of understanding, your business can go up against the best and not break!
The Cert Convert™ foundation allows you to create a business with your personality, which is part of what attracts and retains clients. Regardless of the current debates that happen on social media, Cert Convert™ pulls you out of the mess and keeps your heart and head in the right place.
"Wait… so you're saying Cert Convert™ can help me create something with knowledge I currently have?"
Yep! I meant what I mentioned :-)
You really don’t have to be certified yet to start creating pieces to your business (or future business) and to create a profit product!
…And if you have been certified for quite some time, it’s time to tap into this extra income stream.
Get those case studies and mind-burning topics (things you find yourself repeating) onto paper! — well atleast the digital paper world ;-)
Progress over perfection.
Expand on your business.
Have a place to document and make money while doing it!
What you get when you grab your copy of Cert Convert™:

“Holy cow, that’s a ton of stuff for just… $47? For real?!”
Yes :) The Cert Convert™ workshop is worth ten or even twenty times what I’m charging.
After all, it’ll help you make way more cash and attract way more clients—in the short-term and long-term.
BUT my goal here was to make this an accessible price for you, no matter what phase of business you are in—creation or formation, because I know business owners (and aspiring business owners) need this strategy NOW.
I don’t want you to start your business dream someday… I want you to get started TODAY.
So I’ve priced it so you don’t have to question it… you can just grab it and go!
“Wait… when you say profit product, do you mean, like, actual products?”
Nope! Better than that.
A profit product is a small online product with that you create with whatever your current knowledge base is–whether your certified or not it comes from your current burning topic you find yourself repeating to others over and over. Something you like to preach on. Something your passionate about discussing. Something that solves even the smallest problem for someone else.
Examples of these topics will be listed further down.
So as you can see you can get started with these:
Without a certification—think horse owner experiences.
With a certification—think personal horse experiences with the service you provide.
With a certification and an established business—think case studies and common problems.
(Actually anyone can really benefit from this, and can start a business!)
It’s all about your current expertise, where you want to take your expertise, and where you see your expertise 5 years from now.
The goal is to start now with something to build a following, grow a client list, attract more clients, increase client retention rates, inject more cash, inject more time back in your life, and inject more rapport.
Best of all, we show you how to create your profit product and trigger your creative side to implement SOMETHING, TODAY! OR at least in the first 5 days!
And in case you are wondering, Cert Convert™ is not all about creating a freebie or profit product, there are still more client attraction avenues untapped that we teach inside Cert Convert™.
Short answer:
Regardless of the phase in business (or if not business this certainly still applies), this is where you really get to know yourself and use some triggering techniques to bring that special product out of your mind and onto a digital product.
Longer answer:
Here are some examples you’ll find in Cert Convert™ of freebie and profit product delivery, things like…
…video trainings
…step-by-step picture guides
…equine first aid packing list
…audio trainings
…research studies
…mini course
“Ok, but what do I know that I can create? I need some examples!”
Well that sounds great, but what kind of topics
could be examples?
Well that’s the amazing part, your knowledge base is unique to you.
Your experiences shape who you are and that’s part of what attracts clients and new followers…
Here is a super short list that I quickly jotted down, BUT you can go in soooo many directions:
…how to apply polo wraps
…how to identify thrush
…how to identify pain points and reactions in horses
…basics of clicker training
…the importance of the nuchal ligament
…trailer safety 101
…release the scapula
…relax the poll
…tail pulls for the layman

I’ve packaged up all of this into a mini workshop and 5-day framework that you can complete and implement in (you guessed it) in 5 days—or less. 🙂
And I’ve taken my own advice here:
I’ve put this at a no-brainer price so you don’t have to ride the fence for days or even hours.
Why? Because I don’t want you to delay attracting new clients and creating your profit product.
Your business needed this like, yesterday.
But... today will do just fine. 😉
Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!
Grab Cert Convert™ today...
Now only $47!

"Why the urgency, Brooke?"
Here’s the thing:
The longer you wait, the longer it will take to ramp up the momentum in your business.
Instead of waiting and wandering Inject this attraction flow 🙂


Grab your online copy of Cert Convert™ here.

Check your inbox for your login info so you can jump in and get started today!

Follow the 5-day framework to inject more client flow and create your profit product fast.
Grab Cert Convert™ today...
Now only $47!

Grab it as this low price today! The price will be going up soon!
With the system I am sharing, this is the kind of praise in business that is possible...




and more feedback from inside...

FAQs about Cert Convert™
How can I fit a course into my already busy schedule? I don’t have a lot of time.
The mini course is self-paced and divided into lessons so you can do them whenever is convenient for you. You don't need hours upon hours to put this together. The Cert Convert™ program is a 5-day framework for easy implementation, even if you only have a couple of hours in the evening. You got this! Ask yourself: Am I too busy for something that could ultimately give me more clients and allow me to quit my day job (if you so desire)?
I’m struggling with the idea that the market is saturated and that everyone is doing something similar. How do I stand out from the competitors? Does Cert Covert™ help me come up with a solution?
Yes! You’ll get help with creating your logo and color palette, and guiding your thoughts into new client attraction solutions. Using The Diamonds n' Dapples Rule, you’ll come up with a business model that speaks to your vision, strengths, and skillset, but that also stands out, even in a saturated market.
What if I'm not good at designing and tech stuff.?
Great! You don't need to be. We've got all of the tech tutorials and templates to make this easy for you, and better yet, fast for you. By the end of this short program, you'll have new client attraction methods to leverage, a freebie product, and a profit product. I give you all my design secrets on a budget.
Can I buy this, try this, then ask for a refund?
Due to the digital nature of Cert Convert™—and the fact that you could consume it in just a few, short hours—we do not offer refunds. But you don't have to cross your fingers and hope! Check out the testimonials and feedback above, that shows just how vast you can expand on your business strategy. The reality? Once you complete and implement Cert Convert™ (and make your own profit product), you’ll be thinking of even more ways you can expand on the concepts inside and the tangible parts!
When does this start? When do I get access to everything?
It starts as soon as you join! This is a self-paced, instant access, mini workshop, so all you have to do is sign up and you’ll get access delivered straight to your inbox within about 15 minutes.
So you can start today! Or tomorrow! Or next week! Or next year! (Though my vote is for starting sooner rather than later!)
How do I join the Cert Convert™ program?
A good question with an easy answer: Click here to join Cert Convert™ today!
This workshop is 10 years in the making…
But it’ll only take you 7 seconds to join and about 7 days to implement!
Start Cert Convert™ today and give your business the client attraction flow—and the extra profit injection—it needs.
Grab Cert Convert™ today...
Now only $47!
Lock in this low price today. The price will be going up soon!